Department of Human Services has been renamed
Have you noticed the Department of Human Services has been renamed?
From 1 February 2020, it is called Services Australia and the website is
So what is the difference between Department of Social Services, Services Australia and Centrelink?
- The Department of Social Services is a government department and is responsible for policy and Social Security legislation
- Services Australia is an Executive Agency responsible for the delivery of welfare payments and services to the public (including responsibility for Centrelink & Medicare)
- Centrelink is a Master Program that is an operational part of Services Australia. It is the physical delivery of services to the public and is largely delivered by contractors.
Department of Veterans’ Affairs is still maintained as a separate Department.
Clients will still visit Centrelink offices and call the Centrelink call centre. The income support payments that are paid under the Social Security Act are called “Centrelink income support payments”.
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